Solar Irrigation, Solar Cold storage


Harnessing Solar Energy for Agricultural Excellence

Solar energy has become a game-changer in agricultural production and processing, offering cost-effective and sustainable solutions for a variety of critical applications, including irrigation, cold storage, grain milling, fish farming, and poultry lighting.

  • 🌱 Solar Irrigation Solutions
    ENSOL designs and implements turnkey solar irrigation systems for farmers, livestock keepers, and fishponds. Whether sourcing water from rivers, boreholes, dams, or ponds, our solar pumping systems guarantee a reliable and sufficient water supply, increasing productivity and supporting sustainable farming practices.
  • ❄️ Solar-Powered Cold Storage
    Perishable goods like fruits, vegetables, and milk require proper storage to extend shelf life and prevent losses. Our customized solar systems provide a cost-effective and environmentally sustainable solution, ensuring farmers are protected from energy shortages and market disruptions while reducing post-harvest losses.
  • ⚙️ Solar Agro-Processing Solutions
    For agro-processing machines and factories, ENSOL offers off-grid and grid-interactive solar solutions, with or without energy storage. These systems guarantee reliable power supply, reduce electricity costs, and ensure uninterrupted operations.
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